Monday, February 4, 2008

Hurtling through Space and Time

Life continues to come at us at an amazing speed, pushing us on to new pathways, new places, new plans. Last weekend, Mommy flew to Seattle and then drove to Chimacum to meet up with Cha Cha Julie, Uncle T, RubyVal, Grammy and SASI! We love it there. Here's some of what we did:

As usual, Saskia proves to be the most hard core farm girl of the bunch, taking the shot of goat's milk straight into her mouth!

On Sunday, we checked out Port Townsend and took a nice walk on the beach at Port Worden State Park with Grammy.

Then, all too soon, it was time for Mommy to head back to Spokane. Grammy had come down with a cold, and RubyVal was trying out her new found feisty-ness on everyone. Perhaps, she realizes there are more beings around these days so it's time to assert herself a bit.

Sasi and Grammy's adventure continues this week, checking out Sun Field School and exploring housing options. Mommy will catch up with them for a new adventure Feb. 15th. She likes the peace and quiet at home but misses her Sasi terribly.

1 comment:

kate said...

Oh I'm so glad you got to go; I thought about you as I heard the pass was closed all day/night Friday. Sas looks great; love the photo of her doing "goat shots"!

We're going over the 15th also; if you want a ride we could take you as far as Ballard!