Sunday, May 25, 2008

BIg Quilcene, May 24, 2008

A gorgeous day! Trail head is about 2875 ft. It follows the gushing Quilcene River through lovely old growth forest. Lots of faerie houses! We hit snow after about a mile, around 3200 ft., so we turned back way before Mama wanted to. She'll be back.

The faeries' bathtub.

Here's Bubba in the faeries' bathtub.

Sas and Bub did a great job running down.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

May Day, Sunfield School, 2008

As you can tell from the photos, "May Day" is a holiday for the hearty in the NW. Send those winter whites to us if you've got them for next year.

Old Fort Townsend, May 2008